Gardeners Supply

Gardeners Supply is an American company that sells gardening tools and supplies. It provides everything gardeners need like seeds, gloves and pots. The company helps both experienced and new gardeners get their plants and flowers to grow.

Do you enjoy growing your own vegetables, herbs and flowers? Gardeners Supply has everything needed to make gardening fun and easy. With soil, pruners and plant food available, anyone can watch their garden blossom with the right supplies. Gardeners Supply offers the tools needed to nurture nature’s beauty.

Located in Maine, Gardeners Supply has been helping home growers for over 40 years. Their catalog and website feature thousands of organic and heirloom products. Whether starting a small lawn or farm, Gardeners Supply is a one-stop shop for dedicated gardeners to get the seeds, tools and accessories to make their outdoor spaces thrive.

Everything needed for gardening success

Gardeners Supply has everything gardeners need to grow beautiful plants. They offer seeds, soil and fertilizer to get any garden started. The company sells tools that make gardening easy. Gardeners can find gloves, pruners, hoses and more. With the right supplies, anyone can have a green thumb.

Gardeners Supply also carries décor items like flower pots, signs and yard art. This adds personality to outdoor spaces. The store has expert plant advice online and in catalogs. Gardening guides help with tasks like planting schedules and plant care. Whether a beginner or pro, Gardeners Supply is a one-stop shop for all gardening needs.

Supplies for green thumbs of all experience

At Gardeners Supply, there are items for every gardening level. Beginning gardeners can find seed starter kits, labeled plant guides and tools. These basics help novices get their hands dirty. More experienced gardeners shop for pruning shears, hoses and gloves.

The store also offers professional-grade products. These include greenhouse kits, trellises, and drip irrigation. Master gardeners find supplies to expand their gardens. Gardeners Supply thinks of both backyard hobbyists and serious farmers. With different price points and styles, any gardener can enhance their skills.

Quality tools to nourish outdoor spaces

Gardeners Supply only sells durable, high-quality tools. Gardening is tough on equipment so tools are built to last. Pruners are sharp yet safe for different trimming jobs. Heavy-duty hoses stand up to outdoor use without kinking. Even kids’ gardening kits have child-friendly tools.

Rakes, shovels and squeegees efficiently care for garden beds and lawns. Soil knives and transplanting tools gently move plants. Garden staples like hoops, stakes and tape stake claims for new additions. With sturdy accessories, outdoor spaces shine all season long. Gardeners rely on Gardeners Supply tools to beautifully nourish nature.

Heirloom seeds for beautiful flower beds

Gardeners Supply offers thousands of heirloom seed varieties. This ensures find flowers, fruits and vegetables suited to any climate. Heirloom seeds come from flowers passed down for generations. They produce plants uniquely adapted to their environment over decades of natural selection.

Flower TypeDescriptionPlanting Tips
ZinniasVibrant blooms in red, orange, pink and white. Heat and drought tolerant for summer color.Sow directly after last frost date, 18″ apart. Deadhead for continuous re-blooming.
MarigoldsStart indoors 4 weeks before the last frost or direct sow in masses. Thin to 12-18″ apart.Plant seeds 1/4″ deep every 2-3 weeks for waves of blooms. Space 6-12″ depending on variety.
CosmosAiry blooms in shades of pink, red and white on wispy stems. Pollinators love them.Direct sow in spring or fall. Thin to 8-12″ apart. Deadhead for rebloom; cut to the ground in winter.
SunflowersGiant or dwarf varieties in colorful patterns. Attract birds to the garden.Plant when soil is 60°F, 1/2″ deep. Stake if over 3′. Cut whole head for indoor centerpiece.
DaisiesScatter seeds outdoors now or after the last frost. Cover lightly with soil. Thin seedlings to 1 foot apart.Simple white, pink or yellow daisy flowers on grass-like foliage. Drought-tolerant border filler.
LarkspurDelicate spires in purple, pink, white and blue. Attracts butterflies.Plant when soil is 60°F, 1/2″ deep. Stake if over 3′. Cut whole head for the indoor centerpiece.

Heirlooms grow with more character, resilient to local conditions. Seeds germinate in reliable, healthy harvests without GMOs or hybridization. Catalog descriptions help choose the perfect blooms. From carnations to zinnias, Gardeners Supply makes expressing creativity with nature’s palette easy. Colorful flower beds blossom with character using heirloom seed selections.

Essentials delivered for convenient cultivation

For busy gardeners, Gardeners Supply products are delivered straight to your door. After browsing thousands of items online, everything ships quickly. Gardening doesn’t get easier than this.

Subscription services auto-deliver plant seeds, soil and tools just in time for each season’s tasks. No last-minute drives hunting for supplies are needed now. Everything arrives conveniently whenever it’s time to start cultivating the garden again. With essentials made readily available, backyard plots blossom without stressing over logistics.

Over 40 years of enhancing gardeners’ craft

Founded in Maine in 1975, Gardeners Supply cultivated expertise for generations of green thumbs. Today, their catalog features over 2500 organic varieties tested on their farm. Trusted reviews aren’t just anyone’s opinions – they’re from gardeners who’ve grown thousands of plants themselves.

Online archives share four decades of growing guides and product knowledge. Whether answering questions or suggesting new tools, staff aim to continually inspire gardeners’ passions. Loyal customers attest this store supports gardeners’ craft for a lifetime of enjoying the outdoors. Gardeners Supply’s longevity stems from dedication to the craft’s enhancement.

One-stop online shop for thousands of products

On, a browser becomes a gardener. Whether browsing tools or reading growing guides, the virtual store has everything in one place.

Over 10,000 organic products, from seeds to irrigation, help online customers easily shop. Detailed descriptions settle indecision so the perfect items get carted. Helpful information like compatible products, user photos, and Q&As ensure shoppers understand each item’s use.

With the whole catalog at their fingertips, online gardeners confidently prepare their outdoor spaces. Then just a few clicks turns their virtual garden into a thriving reality delivered right to their doorstep. The one-stop shop makes planning and finding garden essentials effortless.

Organic garden accessories and nourishment selection

Organic garden accessories and nourishment selection
Organic garden accessories and nourishment selection

For natural, eco-friendly gardens, Gardeners Supply carries a wide range of organic items. Fertilizers, insecticides and fungicides use plant or mineral ingredients instead of harsh chemicals. These nourish soil and plants without compromising the environment.

Plant supports made of untreated bamboo or garden staples steel wire guide growth without disruptions. Watering cans, hoses and soaker hoses conserve water during each use. Even garden décor like birdhouses and wind chimes add welcoming habitats for wildlife.

Every item assists organic methods, protecting surrounding areas from runoff or drift. The selection lets sustainability-focused gardeners follow their philosophies completely. Overall garden health flourishes with non-toxic growing options.

Dedicated to helping outdoor enthusiasts thrive

Behind every Gardeners Supply product stands a team dedicated to the gardening community. Experts answer questions and troubleshoot issues to help every garden grow better each season.

Community forums invite advice and project ideas from thousands of successful members. Whether a zucchini surplus or a black spot on roses, others are eager to share their experience. Events bring local gardeners together for hands-on learning, too.

This support network nurtures thriving gardens and the passionate people behind them. After over 40 years, Gardeners Supply continues enhancing the craft through dedicated assistance. Both new and lifelong gardeners find community and expertise to make every outdoor space prosper.

Maine store assisting home growers nationwide

At the Maine home base, visitors tour display gardens testing the latest varieties. Here, the retail store stocks even more tools, hard-to-find seeds and samples. Expert staff answer questions from groundskeeping to certification questions for farmers.

Though shipping essentials across states, Gardeners Supply’s home base taps local expertise. Interns gain real-world skills through Public Gardens and Teaching Farms. These help visitors learn and then bring sustainable practices to their plots.

Based in the Pine Tree State, Gardeners Supply headquarters works every day ensuring thriving gardens everywhere. Both small backyard food forests and commercial operations get nationwide assistance enabling nature’s growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long has Gardeners Supply been in business?

Gardeners Supply has served gardeners for over 40 years through its catalog and website while operating out of its Maine home base.

What types of products does Gardeners Supply offer?

Gardeners Supply provides everything from heirloom seeds, to tools, fertilizers, and accessories to help gardens grow successfully.

Do they ship nationwide?

Yes, Gardeners Supply conveniently ships thousands of garden essentials across the United States so green thumbs everywhere can enhance their outdoor spaces.

Is there expert advice available?

Experienced horticulturists answer questions and troubleshoot problems through the website, forum, and retail store to help gardens thrive.

Can supplies be automatically delivered?

Subscription services send soil, seeds or tools on a schedule so garden tasks have the needed supplies shipped directly as each season progresses.


For over 40 years, Gardeners Supply has helped nurture nature’s beauty through their vast selection of high-quality supplies. As a one-stop shop for all gardening needs, their inventory offers everything from heirloom seeds to tools delivered straight to your door.

Whether starting small vegetable plots or maintaining large organic farms, Gardeners Supply is dedicated to supporting green thumbs of all experience levels and backgrounds. Their expert guidance and community forums help outdoor spaces grow beautifully through all four seasons.

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